R&D Project
Sand4Cast is a CDTI-funded performance prediction and control tool for chemical molding systems financed by the CDTI.
The success of this project is supported by a strong partnership between Western Michigan University (WMU) and AMV Solutions.
Prediction and performance control of chemical molding systems.
Contribution to process improvement in the foundry industry.
Collaboration with Western Michigan University.
R&D Project
S4 Foundries
S4 Foundries is a novel solidification simulation prototype for the modernization of the foundry industry specializing in gray, nodular and white iron.
The project has been recognized with the Eureka seal and endorsed and financed by the CDTI.
Developed in collaboration with the METAL CASTING TECHNOLOGY STATION of the University of Johannesburg.
Measurement of metallurgical quality within the solidification process.
Calculates and models for corrective actions.
Collaboration with Veigalan Estudio (Azterlan)