Rodrigo Pagliarini Vivencio
Foundry Coordinator at Gerdau (Brazil)
In times where competitiveness is so important, ALEA is a great tool to reduce foundry loading costs, especially in alloys.
Great results in the first months of application in foundry Gerdau – Pindamonhangaba.
With ALEA we are able to produce all our alloys catalog with optimal cost and, the most important thing, ensure quality and eliminate calculation errors.
It also allows us to adapt our charges quickly to specific customer requirements. AMV has integrated the system with the rest of our applications so that all information is read and transferred automatically, with consequent improvement in quality and processing time.
Javier Arcelus
CEO in Cáscara Mein (Spain)
José Manuel Gómez
Manager in Fundiciones Universo (Colombia)
Mariano Ospina
Production Manager in Fundiciones Universo (Colombia)
With Alea we were able to change our purchase of materials without fear.
It allowed us to minimize costs by choosing the raw materials that best adjust to our production.
The close relationship between AMV and Fundivisa began several years ago, and since then it has only become stronger and stronger.
AMV has been an essential collaborator in our achievements as a business. With them we have been able to solve problems for which the tools offered on the market were ineffective or too rigid.
From specific problems related to the world of casting, as the Alea casting manager is, to others of more general type in the industry, such as PRONOX, which have greatly facilitated the overall planning and production programming.
In addition to the adaptation of their leading programmes to our needs, their team has been able to confront other challenges which required customized solutions with a capacity of unparalleled resolution.
The creation of simple applications or the generation of reports from heterogeneous data sources, in order to track performance parameters, balanced scorecard, OEE, etc., are examples of the variety of solutions provided by AMV.
Pablo Meijide
CEO in Fundivisa (Spain)
Jair Alves
Chemical Technician at FAINOX (Brazil)
We are very pleased with the results obtained from the use of ALEA, nowadays is an essential tool for our company. With the fast simulations we can do, we have reached great negotiations on the acquisition of scrap metal, also it allows us to be more assertive in the compositions of charges and extremely effective in preparing them; in addition, we have amortized the cost of the software within 30 days since the installation.
We are using ALEA since 2012 and since then we have evolved a lot in cost and profits, we were able to improve our position against competitors. In terms of competitiveness, the system allows us to simulate the charges with best price. ALEA is connected to our database, allowing us to import information on stocks of raw materials automatically. AMV Customers Service always helps us with all our inquiries.
Day by day we have to work with diverse raw materials. With the help of ALEA we are able to produce our alloys with the optimum quality, avoiding mistakes and minimizing manufacturing costs in a fast and accurate way, adapting to our customer needs.
The Know-How to calculate our charges is as important as the mentioned benefits. Now is heritage of the company, allowing to improve daily our processes, even in the case of substitutions in the personnel in charge of these tasks.
Ibán Constenla
Process Engineer in Senra (Spain)
Roberto Benavides Castro
Production Manager at Dinak S.A. (Spain)
As Plant Manager of the company Dinak S.A. and referring to the project made out by the company AMV Soluciones, based on the management and optimization of the packaging process for the logistics chain. I would emphasize the efficiency provided by all the technical staff in the development of the software, giving solution to the requirements raised obtaining an excellent execution in quality and time.
Also to highlight an aspect that was appreciated and valued from the beginning for the whole internal team of the project in Dinak, it is the involvement and improvement advice raised to obtain a software that would help a fundamental aspect in modern industry “continuous improvement”, ultimately an application that could adapt to any future change within the environment.