Transforming the foundry with ALEA: a step towards SDGs

SDGs in the foundry industry - ALEA


The foundry industry moving towards a more sustainable future, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda set the course. ALEA plays a key role in this change, improving efficiency, reducing environmental impact and helping companies become more competitive.

How does ALEA contribute to the SDGs in the foundry?

SGD 7 – Affordable and clean energy

ALEA optimizes energy consumption in the casting, allowing more efficient production and reducing the environmental impact by decreasing the use of non-renewable resources.

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth

Improve productivity by automating production planning and management, optimizing time and resources, and avoiding unnecessary downtime.

SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure

ALEA promotes the digital transformation of foundry, optimizing production processes and promoting technological innovation for a more competitive and sustainable sector.

SDG 12 – Responsible production and consumption

By optimizing resources and recycling scrap, ALEA helps reduce waste and promote more environmentally responsible production.

SDG 13 – Climate action

With ALEA, companies can reduce their CO₂ emissions and improve energy efficiency, which is key to combating climate change.


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